Tiniry 101: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, by James Papandrea (paperback)
SKU LIBAth0823
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UPC: 9780764820823
Brand: Liguori
Trinity 101 offers readers a basic approach to the Trinity as history portrays it, as a doctrinal concept, and how it is revealed in the Scripture. This is highly useful to those seeking a starting point of Catholic theological study of the Trinity, from high school age onwards; and also to educated Catholic adults who are drawn to this topic. James Papandrea writes in an engaging and accessible style on the theological background of the Trinity.(If you are trying to purchase this item and it shows as "out of stock," please call the store during business hours (512-382-1728) to double check--we are constantly re-stocking items and it simply may not have updated to the web. Thank you for your patience and patronage!)