The Soul of the Apostolate, by Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard (paperback)
The Soul of the Apostolate
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UPC: 9780895550316
Brand: Tan Books
Favorite book of Pope St. Pius X. Says that prayer is the soul of every apostolic work; without it there is no success. Explores all the proved methods of developing and maintaining the interior life amid the bustle of daily activity. This excellent book will help you to understand the economy of salvation, as well as the many dead-ends that we fallen creatures tend to follow. A critically important introduction to the spiritual life! (If you are trying to purchase this item and it shows as "out of stock," please call the store during business hours (512-382-1728) to double check--we are constantly re-stocking items and it simply may not have updated to the web. Thank you for your patience and patronage!)