El vía Crucis: The Migrant's Way of the Cross, by Fr. Simon C. Kim (paperback)
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UPC: 9780764824067
Brand: Liguori Press
Migration and migrants are part of our nightly newscasts and national conversation. Now, come face-to-face with the migrant Jesus in El VÌ_a Crucis, The Migrant‰Ûªs Way of the Cross, and better understand the complex and perilous journey of all migrants.Several stations were written by leading theologians and immigrants‰Ûª advocates and others were composed by migrants who speak of the unspeakable: crimes committed against them, desperation, impossible choices, as well as the blessings of work and longings for family. By understanding how the poor and marginalized imitate Jesus, the Stations of the Cross come alive and help you deepen your love and concern for migrants. (If you are trying to purchase this item and it shows as "out of stock," please call the store during business hours (512-382-1728) to double check--we are constantly re-stocking items and it simply may not have updated to the web. Thank you for your patience and patronage!)