"It takes one generation from inadequate adult catechesis to non-church attendance, and then it only takes one generation from non-church attendance to unbelief." - CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization trailerThe Study Guide contains all six lessons, including commentary, questions, glossary of terms and suggested reading lists. A brief description of the six lessons can be found below: Chapter/Lesson One: "Introduction" "What is the New Evangelization?", "Why is it worth while?", and "How does one do it?" Father Barron explains how the concept of a "new" evangelization began to take shape in the second Vatican Council. Chapter/Lesson Two: "New Ardor" New enthusiasm, new energy and renewal from Holy Spirit constitute "new ardor." Fr. Barron takes us behind the scenes at World Youth Day and shows us other energetic examples of new ardor. The deepest source of Christian ardor is the reality of the resurrection, which fuels us to actively reach out in love to others with the "Good News." Chapter/Lesson Three: "New Expressions - Part I" Chapter/Lesson Four: "New Expressions - Part II" It's not an expression of a different truth, but the same truth proclaimed and lived by Christ that we have to express in a different cultural setting. Secularism tries to push God out of the public square and deny his existence. Fr. Barron explains why secularism is on the rise: Confusion about who and what God is; trying to fill human longing for God with the temporal and materials things of this world; and relativism that purports that there is no objective truth. Chapter/Lesson Five: "New Methods" Fr. Barron calls for "using the means and methods of our time to evangelize." In today's culture the Internet and social media plays a huge role. Fr. Barron encourages us all to use these new methods for the Lord. We all can give testimony to Christ by the methods we use to communicate and by how we live each day. Lesson 6: "Faith in Action" The New Evangelization Formation Program also includes a sixth session that guides participants in developing their own action plan for evangelizing, either as individuals or as a Catholic group/parish. This section is based on selected clips from the interviews conducted for the series. (If you are trying to purchase this item and it shows as "out of stock," please call the store during business hours (512-382-1728) to double check--we are constantly re-stocking items and it simply may not have updated to the web. Thank you for your patience and patronage!)